05 November 2008

Joseph & Esther travel to Le Rucher Geneva

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From 18 Oct to 4 Nov, we spent a wonderful time in Le Rucher Geneva with the ‘extended family’, getting to know more the colleagues during the staff retreat and integrate our work to the international ministry in the strategic plan. God spoke to us deeply in Ps 127 about aligning to His vision, attain personal growth through repentance, and encourage corporate growth. We also had thorough teaching and ministry by a wise missionary who shared about find God as our hiding place since we are ‘trouble makers’ in the devil’s eyes. He also shared about things that can help people in missions to accomplish God’s plan. The most significant is to keep a strong relationship with the Lord. The team had also an outing and sailing that helped reinforce relationships. On the picture left sailing and enjoying creation.

During the strategic plan, we could get a better understanding of the ministries of Le Rucher but also could share what the Lord was doing in our region. The team was very supportive about the idea of soon starting a school of reconciliation that will be serving nations and thus multiply what God achieved in Rwanda using the church in the Rebuilding process. A nine weeks course has been designed and soon you will have on our website more details. A 3 years plan was released with revised objectives and clear activities. We are grateful to Angela who turned the planning process in a very enjoyable, spiritual exercise.